Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Random Facts bout Italy!

Okay so we do take alot of things for granted in the States.. things are weird here when it comes to money and things we consider convenient! get a load of this haha

things you have to PAY for:
plastic grocery bags
using a grocery cart
sitting outside vs. sitting INside at a restraunt
service charges at restraunts
sitting down at a table when youre in a bar vs. just drinking/eating at the bar itself
sometimes paying to use a toilet

Half the time when you go into these churches you have to stick a euro in to 'luminate' a side chapel or a statue or whatever. How cheesy!

Before you get on a bus, or use a pay phone, you have to buy the ticket/coin at a store first, THEN use it.

More interestingish stuff:
We walked by a Tassel store. Yeah where they only sell tassels.
Theres a random Indian shop in the Jewish Ghetto.

^^ I'll put more stuff here later when I actually remember what I was going to write lol

In answer to your comment: Lol yes there are random body parts lying around, but theyre all from saints and martyrs inside the churches. Tonns of miracles have come out of what we call 'relics', and alot of these saints are incorrupt. Meaning their bodies are very much like they were when they died hundreds of years ago, somehow perfectly preserved by supernatural means.

Yikes im starting to sound like a dictionary :P
buona serra!

1 comment:

  1. Ya, isnt it so stupid!!! Have you found a toilet in the shower yet? That is when it starts to get interesting hahahah! If you think Italy is bad wait till you hit France! You literally have to pay to breath!lol!
    from Three-Scream
