Thursday, November 6, 2008

About that airport thing...

I forgot to write about our misadventures in London! Right after we all got off the plane there, my dad and I somehow ended up a little ahead of my mom and sister. We *thought* they were right behind us.. but anyways. We stopped in to the restroom (okay so those were really awesome restrooms.. like out of a Kohler ad!) And they kept going!! and going.. and goinggg.. Finding them consisted of going down 3 or 4 stories in a weird looking airport which looked like it came from a Half Life 2 setting (computer game), going back up and down those stories a few times asking if they'd been seen. They had, and had supposedly been told to go to another terminal. Going to the terminal meant taking an underground subway, so after 20 minutes we decided they must have gotten on it! We got on too, and up a few stories at the next terminal, there they were lol! After finally finding them we had to get our boarding passes scanned, but my mom and dads didnt go through, so my sister and I went to the next level to the baggage check (bad idea.. more separation).. Soo anyways they finally caught up to us after about another 20 minutes, dad and I got frisked by the annoyed security people, and then we were finally free to wait another 5 hours for our next flight!

Lets hope this doesnt happen again! ;)

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